We currently have 1 Regent Hotels coupon / deal.
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If luxury is high on your priority list when it comes to hotel accommodations, chances are you'll like what you see on the Regents website. This company has been in the business of providing luxury hotel and resort accommodations since 1970, and they have facilities worldwide (America, Europe and Asia) to keep you comfortable.
Via the www.regenthotels.com website, you can check availability of certain hotel and resort properties, and book your stay. To start, you can select the hotel/resort location of your choosing. Locations include South Beach Florida, Berlin, Zagreb, Shanghai, Tapei, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and Beijing. New resorts and locations are often being opened, so check the details on the website for the latest developments.
Read more...Making a reservation is simple. First you need to confirm that a room is available on a certain date, and once this is confirmed, you can book online. Sometimes the site will advertise certain promotions, so check back regularly so you don't miss something good. That way you can catch up on news of the latest specials and promotions.