We currently have 4 UncommonGoods coupons / deals.
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If you are looking for unique and unusual goods, you have arrived. UncommonGoods.com began way back in 1999 when founder Dave Bolotsky visited a Smithsonian Museum craft show in Washington D.C. He was stunned by the variety of unique handmade goods he found there. That was when it all clicked in his mind. He knew there was a public demand for beautiful design and unique offerings. Since the artists were often traveling from far and wide and working hard to sell their items, he knew that an online marketplace made a lot of sense. So he brought buyers and sellers together. This idea became UncommonGoods.com. So he traveled and met artists, and found unique items. The rest is history. Today the company still brings you unusual goods from too many artists to count. The world would never be the same. And now there is more art in homes than ever.